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Exhibitor Dashboard

Thank you for participating as an exhibitor at the 2025 Hope in the Land Expo! We look forward to working with you to make this event a great success! If you are receiving this package, then your booth has been approved, but there are a few more steps to get you prepared and fully registered. Please use this dashboard as a guide to ensure you have completed all steps to prepare for Hope in the Land 2025.

This dashboard also includes event information from us to you.

  1. Show Details, including…
    • Setup and teardown details
    • Show supplies information
    • Emergency contacts for event day
  2. Tips for a good exhibitor experience
  3. A volunteer application form to distribute through your networks
  4. An invitation to contribute to the Expo’s Impact Pass
  5. A promotional guide to get the word out about the Expo

Questions? Get in touch with Katherine at!