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How to Get Involved

Join us to co-create a strategy, grow a seed orchard, or create space for native plants.

You can join the SOSS Collective and attend the meetings by becoming a partner or an observer, agreeing and signing onto the Terms of Reference.

As a partner, you are committing to:

  • Provide a commitment in writing formally agreeing to the guidelines stated in the Terms of Reference.
  • Help advance a collaborative coordinated approach for SOSS.
  • Participate in a task force (monthly meetings) OR in a network (by email) to co-develop the strategy.
  • Consider contributing $5-10K per year (suggested) for a SOSS coordinator or in-kind to receive a 1:1 match in-kind to assist you to establish seed orchards or implement the seed strategy in a way that aligns with your goals over the next 3 years. 
  • Provide a letter of support to confirm your commitment.

As an observer, you must provide a written commitment formally agreeing to the guidelines stated in the Terms of Reference and are free to participate and contribute to the planning process without obligation.

Your interests in the SOSS may include:

  • Joining a working group to co-create the strategy in 2022-2023
  • Connecting with local native plant growers and resources
  • Growing and protecting native plants and their seeds

Topics to be Discussed in Working Groups

The Power of Seeds

  • Why invest time and money in a native plant seed strategy?
  • Context: Indigenous, Global, Local
  • National Strategy Connections
  • SOSS vision

Reconciliation: Supporting Indigenous leadership

  • Ethical Space
  • Reconciliation & Seed Sovereignty, Plants as Kin
  • Equity within the Native Plant Economy
  • Autonomy of Native Plants
  • Other items to be identified by Indigenous partners

Rare Species: Saving Diversity

  • Focal Species: Restoration targets, references and Climate Change Impacts
  • Genetic Integrity, Diversity, Adaptation and Assisted Migration
  • Ex Situ/Inter Situ Conservation & Species at Risk

Restoration: Scaling to Meet Healthy Ecosystem Goals for 2030 and Beyond

  • Habitat Conservation & Restoration (Needs/Demand Forecasting-follow up)
  • Industry Update & Seed Needs Forecasting – Demand and Stable Supply
  • Cross-sector Coordination
  • Technology and Training Opportunities
  • Site Certification and the Power of Farmers and Landowners

Retail, Investment and Co-Benefits: Accelerating an Ethical Restoration Economy to Grow Longterm Sustainability and a Culture of Nature

  • Investment & Capacity Building: Acceleration by Sector
  • Agri-food, Health & Wellbeing, Integrated Pest Management
  • Sustainable Development: Evaluation Framework

Tools and Guidelines for Practitioners

  • Tree Seed Guidelines
  • Intro to Genetic Concepts
  • Grass & Forb Guidelines, Orchards & Seed Production Areas
  • BMPs, Ethical Standards and Growing
  • Seed orchard tools, site certification and the power of farmers and landowners
  • Training & Knowledge Transfer
  • Seed Collection, Treating, Sorting