The Conservation Impact Bond (CIB) is a leader in conservation finance that connects ethical, ecological, and economic priorities to accelerate natural climate solutions.
Open Opportunity:
Join the Zone Impact Bond (ZIB lll)
Goal: $2M to deliver measurable, high-impact outcomes across 400 ha throughout the Carolinian Zone in the spirit and practice of reconciliation.
the third phase
Climate Leader
Award Winner

Be the Solution
We invite values-aligned private and public sector organizations, charitable foundations, and individuals to invest in measurable success through the Zone Impact Bond (ZIB III).
Advancing Indigenous Leadership and Stewardship
The CIB centers traditional stewardship, knowledge and worldviews by advancing Indigenous goals and leadership.
Buy Now, Pay Later!
An Accelerator commits to paying for on the ground results that holistically address the twin crises of biodiversity and climate.
A commitment today can be aligned with a payment schedule over three years.
Upfront Investment for Immediate Action
An investor provides capital that is put to work immediately to reverse the trend of habitat loss and accelerate healthy landscapes and natural climate solutions while providing a financial return on your investment.
Ready to Grow
A habitat grower knows what the land needs to thrive.
They turn investments into results with projects to address biodiversity and habitat loss. They have ready access to flexible capital to meet their project needs.
Thank You to the CIB Leadership Team and Partners
the DZCIB was a Finance for the Future Award Recipient