My Wild Green Home is building a green community.
This Black Friday - GO climate-smart this by supporting local GREEN businesses and services.
Plan ahead with your local native plant nursery and order your plants you will GROW for the coming spring.
The November Prize Giveaway is now closed. If you have been selected for a prize, you will be contacted.
Prize Pack One: (Valued at $100)*
One Native seed packet
One On the Move Organics gift card (see route availability)
One Plant Matter Kitchen gift card (London)
*1 available, from Londen Environmental Network
One Native seed packet
One On the Move Organics gift card (see route availability)
One Plant Matter Kitchen gift card (London)
*1 available, from Londen Environmental Network
Prize Pack Two: (Valued at $50)*
One Composter
One Recycling Bin
*2 available, from City of London
Pickup at City of London EnviroDepots
One Composter
One Recycling Bin
*2 available, from City of London
Pickup at City of London EnviroDepots
Prize Three: (Valued at $25)*
My Climate-Smart Wild Garden Kit
*15 available monthly, track your garden to apply
My Climate-Smart Wild Garden Kit
*15 available monthly, track your garden to apply
See the Giveaway Guidelines for complete contest rules and conditions.
Get Climate-Smart
Explore My Wild Green Home for more climate-smart exhibitor features from blogs to businesses.
Explore My Wild Green Home for more climate-smart exhibitor features from blogs to businesses.
Use your new knowledge to Enter this month's give-aways by the end of the month. See the Giveaway Guidelines.
Use your new knowledge to Enter this month's give-aways by the end of the month. See the Giveaway Guidelines.
Win Big
Track your garden by March 15 to be eligible for the Grand Prize Giveaway. See the Giveaway Guidelines.
Track your garden by March 15 to be eligible for the Grand Prize Giveaway. See the Giveaway Guidelines.