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Canada’s Biggest Wildlife Garden

Canada’s Biggest Wildlife Garden is Growing a Green Future

The vision for Canada’s Biggest Wildlife Garden connects Toronto to Windsor with healthy habitat to save local wildlife, water and our way of life.   

The seeds we plant today will define our future. Thousands of people are growing hope with native plants to address the triple threat of extinction, climate and health crises in the spirit and practice of reconciliation.  

5,000 volunteers are working together across 37,000 hectares, as of fall 2020.  This is just the beginning - connecting 10,000 volunteers at home is a first critical step to save disappearing wildlife and grow healthy climate-smart neighbourhoods for wildlife and people.

Climate-smart Neighbourhoods for All

Canada's Biggest Wildlife Garden connects - urban to rural, wild to formal landscapes, beginners to experts, people to nature.  It improves equitable access to ethical climate-adaptive native plants for healthy landscapes for all, including the most marginalized. 

Growing just one native plant helps to reverse centuries of habitat loss.  


Together we are planting seeds for a healthy planet.  

Carolinian Canada partners and volunteers are making a big impact with healthy habitat to:

  • Heal the land in the spirit and practice of reconciliation 
  • Save 500+ rare and endangered species
  • Protect drinking water for 11 M people in the Great Lakes Basin and one fifth of the world's freshwater
  • Boost soil health and local food
  • Reduce flooding, drought and other extreme weather
  • Create green jobs, clean air, climate-smart neighbourhoods for 25% of Canadians
  • Support 14 UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration 

Take the first step.  Count Yourself In.   Lead the Way in Your Community 

You can make a big impact when you connect with 300 groups on Carolinian Canada's new acclerator platforms to save, steward, seed and lead the way for healthy habitat across diverse communities.

Choose the one that's right for you.  They all contribute to Canada's Biggest Wildlife Garden and healthy landscapes for wildlife and people. 

SAVE our unique nature | Big Picture Protected Areas Strategy | Shifting the Paradigm

STEWARD healthy, climate-smart neighbourhoods | My Wild Green Home 

SEED native plants everywhere |  In the Zone | Landowner Leaders | Big Picture Services

LEAD the way to a green future  |  Deshkan Ziibi Conservation Impact Bond 

Take the first step.  Count Yourself In.


In the Zone is a partnership program with WWF-Canada 

This project is supported by Ontario Trillium Foundation and many partners.  


Go to our Shop to Buy Healing Garden Kits