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Landowner Leaders Program

Stewardship is an ownership of responsibility for the environment. It means caring for the land in a responsible way to ensure that healthy ecosystems are passed on to future generations. Habitat stewardship for species at risk and other wildlife involves land use practices that maintain or recover the quality and amount of habitat required by those species.

Anyone who contributes to the health of the environment around them
and takes action to look after it is a steward.

Landowner Leader Badge Logo

Why is Stewardship Important?

Habitat loss is typically the main reason why species are put at risk. Activities such as urban sprawl, agricultural practices, road building, forestry practices, cottage development, shoreline modification, and wetland draining result in large-scale habitat loss and can negatively impact wildlife species.

As the amount of undisturbed land continues to dwindle in southern Ontario, it becomes even more important to consider the way that our practices modify the land. By learning about species at risk and their habitat, and by implementing a Carolinian Habitat Action Plan for your property, you will help the species that share your land with you, and help to maintain the native biodiversity in our province. You will also receive benefits such as a healthy environment for you and your family, clean drinking water, and increased property values. There has never been a better time to get involved, become a steward, and make a difference for our local biodiversity and environment.

The Landowner Leaders Program provides opportunities to learn more about becoming a good steward, setting goals for habitat projects, and help in developing and implementing a Carolinian Habitat Action Plan for your land.

Carolinian Canada Landowner Leaders Stan and Anita Caveney host a Nature London field trip.

photo: Chad Day

"I have attached the beautiful CCC LL/CHAP sign onto a natty signboard, together with other plaques recognizing help with conservation projects at MeadowWoods over the years. The signboard faces South along Gray Line. The Carolinian Canada sign is definitely the highlight of the display!"

-Stan Caveney