Thames Talbot Land Trust
Protect | Restore | Nurture
Protecting, restoring, and nurturing environmentally significant lands to ensure a better, greener future for generations to come.
Thames Talbot Land Trust (TTLT) protects and restores nature within Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford, and Perth counties and the City of London, in the current and traditional territories of Indigenous Peoples including the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabeg, Lenaapeewak, Chonnonton, and Wendat Peoples. With a focus on healthy habitats for wildlife, our work also contributes to human well-being and helps address climate change. TTLT safeguards land through purchase, donation, or by special agreements, and cares for the land through conservation and restoration initiatives. TTLT also hosts events and programs aimed at nurturing people’s connection to nature to inspire wonder, promote well-being, and increase support for these protected areas. Since 2000, TTLT has protected nearly 900 ha (2200 ac) of land across 26 sites and counting. These nature reserves include wetlands, forests, meadows, agricultural lands, and the homes of more than 60 species at risk. These lands and waters have been under the continuous care of Indigenous Peoples from time immemorial. We are committed to working in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration to build a greener and more inclusive future for all people.