Own land in Elgin County? Volunteer to include your land in the Elgin Natural Heritage Inventory, set to launch in spring 2014. Elgin is home to at least 77 rare species of plants and animals, the majority occurring on privately-owned land.
The strength and success of this initiative depends greatly on the area of land that can be covered. We will arrange with you to have a skilled surveyor walk your property and record observations of plants, animals and ecological communities that inhabit your lands.
Learn what gems you have in your very own backyard while contributing to a database of the county’s rich natural heritage. This information is important to the work of researchers and agencies studying rare and vulnerable species not just locally, but at provincial, national, and even global scales. All information gathered will be shared with participating landowners, so it may help you in planning for the long term stewardship of your property.
Take an active role in conservation! Register your interest in volunteering your property for the Elgin Natural Heritage Inventory and we will contact you to discuss and arrange the details.

Elgin Natural Heritage Inventory