Carolinian Canada and its many local partners are set to launch a three-year Natural Heritage Inventory for Elgin County in spring 2014. Volunteer “citizen scientists” from Elgin and further afield are invited to collect and record observations of plants, animals and ecological communities throughout the county in this important initiative.
Many fantastic tools and programs already exist for volunteers to share their species observations. Carolinian Canada will be coordinating partners and volunteers to gather and submit data to existing programs. Top priority is to increase the number of rare species reports to the Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre, the provincial repository for conservation data. However -- rare or common -- all biodiversity information is important, and simple wildlife observations of any species can inform important scientific research and recovery initiatives.
We have created a Participant Guide that will arm volunteers like you with the knowledge and tools needed to identify significant species, collect and record accurate and reliable data, and report this information to the appropriate place. These data may be used by government agencies, environmental organizations and researchers, to track the status of species and inform effective conservation actions.
Together we will develop an accurate, up-to-date database of the county’s rich natural heritage. Knowing where local species occur and keeping track of their population trends contributes to wise planning decisions for a healthy and sustainable future for species, ecosystems and human communities alike.
Explore the Participant Kit online in the following sections:
- Elgin’s Species at Risk
- Where to Look
- Safety and Ethics in the Field
- When to Look
- What Information to Collect
- Where to Submit Your Observations
- News and Events
To find out more about the Elgin Natural Heritage Inventory and how you can Take Action, please contact us at ElginNHI@carolinian.org