Join Carolinian Canada Coalition and its many local partners in a three-year Natural Heritage Inventory for Elgin County starting in spring 2014. As a volunteer “citizen scientist” you can collect and record observations of plants, animals and ecological communities throughout Elgin County.
Novice or expert, all can participate and contribute to this important initiative! Training workshops will offer opportunities to gain the skills you need to identify species and collect accurate and reliable data.
Together we will develop a current database of the county’s rich natural heritage. This information will support wise planning decisions for a healthy and sustainable future for species, ecosystems and human communities. It is also essential to the work of agencies and researchers studying rare and vulnerable species not just locally, but at provincial, national, and even global scales.
Improve your species identification skills, learn about the wildlife in your own backyard, and take an active role in the conservation of the landscape that sustains us!

Elgin Natural Heritage Inventory