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Be a Landowner Leader

Develop a Carolinian Habitat Action Plan for Species at Risk on Your Land

Landowners like you are essential to the conservation and protection of species at risk and their habitats.  By enhancing your property for wildlife you can contribute to Ontario’s biodiversity.  

Carolinian Canada offers workshops to help landowners familiarize themselves with species at risk found in their county, to learn how to develop and steward habitat for these species, and how to develop habitat action plans.

Click here to visit our Landowner Leaders Workshop website to see if a workshop is being held in your area.

There are many benefits to developing a Habitat Action Plan. A Habitat Action Plan:

  • Allows you to set objectives and goals to assist Big Picture priorities;
  • Lets you learn about your property, local ecosystems and wildlife through assessment and inventory;
  • Helps you develop a budget and timeline for your project;
  • Helps in securing funds and technical support for your project; and
  • Provides enjoyment in accomplishing your habitat goals and sharing experiences with other landowners.

You can refer to the resources below to help you get started, and visit the Landowner Leader section of our website for more information.

These are steps to developing a Carolinian Habitat Action Plan:

  1. Identify your objectives. Make a Grow Wild! pledge and attend a Landowner Leaders workshop.
  2. Conduct a Property Inventory and Ecological Self-Assessment.  Find out about resources that can help you.
  3. Survey plants and animals on your land. Make links to Habitat Partners
  4. Do your research.  Find out about your options to Save, Steward and Seed habitat and local rarities.
  5. Develop your action plan. Consult your Habitat Partners. 
  6. Implement your action plan. Link with Carolinian Canada's Landowner Leaders program to access assistance.
  7. Share your experiences and link your project with others to be part of the Big Picture.
T Bentley
Additional Resources