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Elgin County - Freshwater Fishes and Mussels

Get to know the freshwater fishes and mussels in Elgin County. Learn how to identify them, the habitat they live in, and Best Stewardship Practices for maintaining healthy populations of these rare gems of Carolinian Canada.

Freshwater Fish and Mussel in Elgin County

Species Identification Resources

Freshwater Fish: 

Freshwater Mussels & Crayfish

Where to Submit Observations?

Species at Risk and Significant Species should be reported to the Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) through their online reporting form. Multiple observations can be submitted by downloading and completing a template spreadsheet.  Visit the NHIC website here.

For more information on SARA permitting related to the collection and identification of at-risk freshwater mussels and fish, contact Shawn Staton at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada or 905-315-5275.