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Species at Risk in Action Education Kit

Are you a teacher? Would you like to learn how to teach your students about local biodiversity? Download Carolinian Canada Coalition's Species at Risk in Action Education Kit. This Kit will:

  • Connect students with their local environment
  • Connect students with the ideas and tools that will allow them to make long-lasting changes in their school, home and community
  • Challenge students to think about how they can be part of the solution instead of focusing on the problems
  • Empower students to care for the vulnerable species in their local area
  • Provide students with new perspectives and ideas towards achieving ecological sustainability and biodiversity

The Kit provides teachers with background knowledge, current and locally connected lesson plans, extensions for further learning, and all the support materials to deliver the lessons.

The Kit is divided into three modules that are available for download at the following links.

If you start using the Species at Risk in Action Education Kit, let us know and give us your feedback.

Curriculum link tables are available for:

  • Grade 6: Science and Technology
    Understanding Life Systems – Biodiversity
  • Grade 7: Science and Technology
    Understanding Life Systems – Interactions in the Environment
  • Grade 9: Science
    SNC1P Biology: Sustainable Ecosystems and Human Activity
  • Grade 9: Science
    SNC1D Biology: Sustainable Ecosystems

The Kit also meets other cross curricular expectations in the subject areas of:

  • Grade 7: Geography – Natural Resources
  • Grade 9: Geography of Canada, Grade 9 (CGC1P)
    Human-Environment Interactions, Understanding and Managing Change
  • Grade 9: Geography of Canada (CGC1D)
    Human‐Environment Interactions, Understanding and Managing Change
  • Grade 10: Green Industries (THJ2O)
    Language Arts: Reading, Writing, Oral Communication and Media Literacy/Studies

Click here to watch a recording of a webinar explaining the Species at Risk in Action Education Kit.