Sharing ideas is important step towards restoration and recovery of species at risk. Ideas can be shared and built upon to enhance conservation agencies work and avoid duplication. This module will have students investigate further SAR found in the Carolinian Life Zone while developing creative and informative ways to share their knowledge. Students will work with their own classmates and members of the community to share information about SAR and stewardship actions.
Download Module 2 here.
Lesson 4: Survey and Action
Students will create and administer a survey to find out what people know about species at risk as a means of identifying future focus areas for presentation. From analyzing the results of their survey, students will select a focus area and develop a Public Service Announcement to narrow the gap of knowledge. Students will return to the same audience to present the information.
Lesson 5: Do You Know Campaign
This lesson will enhance students’ knowledge of SAR and stewardship recovery actions as they launch an information sharing campaign. Students will develop and design a uniform advertising campaign based on the premise of increasing SAR knowledge in a poster format. Each poster will have a message starting with “Do You Know…”, and will include facts on SAR and actions to aid in their recovery. Working with their school administration, students will decide what format, where and how often to display their posters.
Lesson 6: Speak Out!
Throughout the semester or term, students will work to solicit a speaker from a local conservation organization to come and speak to their class. Students will work in pairs or in small groups to organize the meeting with a representative from an organization to share information on their efforts towards the recovery and protection of SAR. The class will set a schedule to ensure weekly or bi-monthly speakers are attending their class.