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Register a Source of Native Plants

In The Zone - WWF Canada and Carolinian Canada

Do You Sell Native Plants?
Register Today!

As part of Carolinian Canada's exciting new initiative with World Wildlife Fund - Canada, In the Zone(, we want to help gardeners find the best possible sources for their native plants. So we have created a voluntary on-line registry for organizations and businesses who provide native plants In the Zone.

Rather than Carolinian Canada officially endorsing or certifying plant sellers for this listing, we have made it possible for any nursery, garden centre, non-government organization, community group or plant sale to register on-line. The only prerequisite for inclusion is that the native plant provider maintains a current subscription with Carolinian Canada.

Each native plant provider gives information about themselves (location, web site, etc.), as well as whether their products meet certain key criteria of importance to native plant gardeners. For example:

  • Are all their plants locally and ethically sourced?
  • Is plant source history available?
  • Do they ever sell invasive species?
  • Are they open to the public year-round or only at certain times?
  • Do they sell wholesale or retail?
  • What kinds of plants do they sell (wildflower seeds, aquatics, trees, shrubs, perennials, etc.)?
  • Do they offer other services (e.g., landscaping, consultations)?

As this registry becomes populated, we expect it to offer conscientious gardeners a wide selection of native plant providers from which to choose, so that together we can create a greener, healthier future!

Your registration/update will be reviewed by Carolinian Canada staff before posting

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