photos: Lisa Mason
My Wild Green Home 2020 – Your voice counts!
Share your ideas to help us co-develop a new virtual expo platform for the Go Wild Grow Wild Green Expo community.
We envision an interactive website with fresh content over 3 seasons, featuring our community of sponsors, exhibitors and speakers.
Together, let’s dive into the possible and grow our green community at home!
- GO on wild adventures at home, over 8 months with local to global virtual guides.
- GROW wildlife gardens at home with Canada’s Biggest Wildlife Garden, native plant seeds, local wildlife and more.
- GREEN your life with green living zone gear, tips, green home projects + support local green business.
Thanks for all of your submissions! Congratiulations to TaraLee for winning the composter
This survey has 15 main questions and will take about 15 minutes.
All responses are optional