Table 1: Significant Species of Elgin County (E. = Eastern)
National Designation by Committee on the Status of Endangered Species in Canada (COSEWIC) (all tracked by NHIC) |
Note: Species in blue have additional opportunities for volunteers to get involved, through specific volunteer programs, or special data collection needs. These details can be found in Appendix 3.
Status |
Amphibians & Reptiles |
Birds |
Plants |
Fish |
Insects |
Mammals |
Spotted Turtle Butler’s Gartersnake Eastern Foxsnake Gray Ratsnake Five-Lined Skink Fowler’s Toad Jefferson Salamander |
Acadian Flycatcher Cerulean Warbler Eastern Loggerhead Shrike Henslow’s Sparrow King Rail Northern Bobwhite Prothonotary Warbler Yellow-breasted Chat |
American Chestnut American Ginseng Butternut Drooping Trillium E. Flowering Dogwood E. Prickly Pear Cactus False Hop Sedge Large Whorled Pogonia Small White Lady’s Slipper Small Whorled Pogonia Spoon-leaved Moss |
Northern Madtom Silver Chub |
Laura’s Clubtail Riverine Clubtail Rusty-patched Bumble Bee |
American Badger Little Brown Bat Northern Long-eared Bat Tri-coloured Bat |
Threatened |
Blanding’s Turtle Spiny Softshell E. Hog-nosed Snake |
Bank Swallow Barn Swallow Bobolink Canada Warbler Chimney Swift Common Nighthawk E. Meadowlark E. Whip-poor-will Golden-winged Warbler Least Bittern Red-headed Woodpecker Wood Thrush |
American Water-willow Colicroot Common Hoptree Dense Blazing-star False Rue-anemone Kentucky Coffee-tree Purple Twayblade Willowleaf Aster |
Black Redhorse E. Sand Darter Lake Sturgeon |
Special Concern |
Snapping Turtle E. Musk Turtle Northern Map Turtle Eastern Ribbonsnake Milksnake |
E. Wood-pewee Grasshopper Sparrow Louisiana Waterthrush Short-eared Owl |
Blue Ash Broad Beech Fern Crooked-stem Aster Green Dragon Hill’s Pondweed Riddell’s Goldenrod Shumard Oak Swamp Rose Mallow |
Monarch |
Woodland Vole |
Not At Risk |
Western Chorus Frog |
Bald Eagle Hooded Warbler |
Brindled Madtom |
Southern Flying- squirrel |