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Take the Erie Coast Keeper's Survey!

Take a minute to fill out this survey and find out more about Erie Coast Keepers. There's lots of perks to being an Erie Coast Keeper including exclusive coastal tours. From simple backyard actions to volunteer opportunities along the trail, everyone can help steward a healthy coast.
Click here, and let your adventures begin!

The Lake Erie Coastal Stewardship Trail

The Lake Erie Coastal Zone Program is a way for public and private partners to work together. In joining forces, all stakeholders can better manage the coastal zone for people and nature. Improving business, research and conservation opportunities is a key goal of the Coastal Zone Program. One way to work towards this goal is through a Lake Erie Coastal Stewardship Trail.

We would like to thank the following Organizations for making the Coastal Zone Program and Workshops possible:


Support for coastal workshops provided by:

Parks Canada   Ontario Trillium Foundation   Government of Ontario   Trans Canada Trail

The following organizations contributed to the 2010 November/December Workshop Series:

Long Point World Biosphere Reserve   Thames Talbot Land Trust   Essex Region Conservation Authority   Land Care Niagara