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About the EcoTrail

Erie Coastal Stewardship Eco Trail

Located in the most densely populated region of Canada, Lake Erie’s north shore is home to some of the rarest and most unique wildlife and habitats in the country. Some of these are protected within national, provincial and municipal parks, and a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, while others have been protected through the dedication of private landowners and volunteers.

The coast’s astounding natural diversity is mirrored by its rich cultural history. From sandy beaches and sunny marshes to clay cliffs and ravines, the landscape tells stories of hunting, farming, fishing, migration and settlement that run like threads through the fabric of coastal communities to this day.

With many partners, Carolinian Canada Coalition (CCC) is creating the Erie Coastal Stewardship EcoTrail. Inspired by urgent threats to the landscape, CCC and its partners have set forth on an ambitious project to connect the coast and the cultural and natural threads that run through it! The Erie Coastal Stewardship Eco Trail will be a ~600 km network of trails that will invite citizens, governments and industry, young and old, resident and tourist, rural and urban, to connect with the nature and culture of the coast.

Cycling, hiking, driving or paddling, travellers on the Erie Coastal Stewardship EcoTrail will learn about the heritage of the coast of Lake Erie. We hope you will be inspired to participate in a future where the coastline thrives both naturally, culturally and economically, a source of pride for generations to come.

Parks CanadaOntario Trillium FoundationTrans Canada TrailWaterfront Regeneration Trust

Parks Canada, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and many others, generously supports this project. Partners include the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, TransCanada Trail, local municipalities, conservation authorities and land trusts.