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Big Picture Principles and Position Statements

Big Picture Principles

Big Ideas for Greening the Future

Presented by Carolinian Canada, this series gives you a snapshot of priorities you can use to help your landscape, community or backyard thrive in Canada’s deep south.

Find out about the most strategic approaches to healthy landscapes recommended by experts. Make sense of multiple priorities and how best to stretch your conservation dollar.

Big Picture Principles

The Big Picture Report Card
Read the Discussion Paper - Take the Survey

Living Documents

Big Picture Principles: Alien Invasives

Be Part of the Big Picture

Everyone who cares about healthy landscapes can benefit from Big Picture principles. Municipalities, community leaders, landowners, trail groups, green businesses and many others use Big Picture principles to make good decisions for land management at small and large scales.


Natural systems and green infrastructure are the keys to healthy landscapes and cost-effective climate change adaptation. This series brings together best thinking from leading partners across the zone about biodiversity. It identifies priorities and gaps so you can target resources effectively.


Each paper breaks down complex issues from the perspective of leading researchers. The series focuses on science-based strategies for healthy ecosystems and Carolinian Canada’s Big Picture vision. It will address top threats, significant features and leading solutions, starting with invasive species and climate change.


These principles are tailored to the highly fragmented natural systems of the Carolinian Life Zone but may be useful on other settled landscapes. They apply in rural or urban settings, across jurisdictions or on public or private land.


Our Board identifies issues based on urgency and need. A small team then explores current trends and provides insight on how we can best work together to make a positive cumulative impact. Each paper is reviewed by relevant experts and the Carolinian Canada Science Advisory Committee (SAC) which includes representatives from diverse groups across the zone.


This series is being piloted in 2015. Each paper is a snapshot of current thinking and will be posted on the web for comment and input after approval by the board.

Collaborate for a healthy ecoregion. You are part of the conversation.
We invite you to be part of the Big Picture, on your property or in your community. Take our survey. Count yourself in.