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Best Stewardship Practices for Species at Risk

You can find out which rare plants and animals may be your neighbors by choosing the type of habitat you have on your property or the places you enjoying going to explore. Even if you do not have Species at Risk on your property you can take actions to help protect or create habitat for many other species, some of which might support Species at Risk. For example, planting a pollinator garden with native plants will provide food for many insects – including the Monarch butterfly, a species of Special Concern in Canada and Ontario.

Keep in mind that many species can live in different types of habitats at different times of their lives or even at different times of the day! Some can be found in habitats that are a combination of different habitats (e.g. streams in a forest). You will find such species listed in multiple categories.

Click the Heading you Wish to Explore:


Rivers & Streams
Wetlands, Ponds & Spring Pools
Lakes & Shorelines


Woodlands & Ravines

Prairies and Savannas

Tallgrass Prairies & Savannas

Thickets and Fields (Including Farms)

Grasslands, Meadows & Old fields
Hedgerows, Shelterbelts & Windbreaks