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Making Big Picture Connections - AGM 2016 a Huge Success!

Thank-you to everyone who helped make our 2016 AGM, Making Big Picture Connections, a great success. I thought the day went really well. It had a good energy and brought new and old allies together, in a beautiful setting. Here are a few of the high points:

  • Carolinian Canada Chair Don Pearson MC’d with his usual insight and aplomb.
  • The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario’s (ECO) talk was superb in touching on some key issues that can set the stage for CC work as we go forward
  • Kristen Bernard,  Nature Conservancy of Canada, showcased Backus Woods, the global treasure that we were meeting in.
  • We debuted our first fully-online Annual Report.
  • St. Williams provided native plants to celebrate going paperless.
  • LPRCA staff were wonderful hosts and extremely helpful.

Overall, the event was a huge success!

We received good media coverage, thanks to the ECO and other dignitaries including representation from Six Nations (Thank-you Paul!), the Mayor, the MPP and the CA. It was good to hear everyone share their vision for green and healthy landscapes. Big connections were made.

And finally, thank-you to all of our new and returning members. You help to make our work possible - let's continue to create a green future for Canada's deep south!

Michelle Kanter
Executive Director

Carolinian Canada Coalition

ECO and local Officials - T.G. Bentley