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Carolinian Student Intern Program History

Aimed at linking on-ground stewardship needs to university research and student work experience, the Carolinian Canada Student Intern program matches student interns with stewardship employers. The Carolinian Canada Coalition (CCC) coordinates the program, supported through university partnerships.

Internships are currently available through the University of Waterloo Faculty of Environment (UWFE) and Western University Masters in Environment and Sustainability, in partnership with employers in government agencies, businesses and non-government organizations. Student interns undertake research and stewardship relating to the Carolinian Life Zone of southwestern Ontario, coastal ecosystems and Species at Risk. 

Stewardship training and employmentopportunities are provided by employers and cost-shared with the Faculty. For each year, three four-month work terms are available.

Targeted Stewardship & Researchprojects are selected to match the following program goals:

  • Provide student skills to the employer and practical training for university students
  • Support employers in critical biodiversity conservation, research, environmental planning, and decision-making in the Carolinian Life Zone, considered to be the most threatened in Canada in terms of species and ecosystems at risk and environmental health
  • Address stewardship needs for species and habitats at risk in coastal watersheds of the Carolinian Life Zone
  • Encourage as many promising students as possible to gain experience and interest in habitat stewardship and research in Carolinian Canada. 
Mark Funk with a Sign Installation on the Long Point Causeway: he assisted in it's constructon 
Photo credit: Bernie Solymar

Mark Funk checks traps
Photo credit: Bernie Solymar

Jennifer van Overbeeke and Samantha Dupre, Coastal Zone Program Interns, at Point Pelee National Park 
Photo credit: Megan Ihrig

Summery of Internships: 2007-08 to 2011-12

Year Term CCSI Employer CCSI Student Job Title
2007 Summer rare Charitable Research Reserve Lauren Cymbaly Invasive Species Intern
2008 Winter Nature Conservancy Canada Alex Hood Restoration Research Assistant
2008 Winter rare Charitable Research Reserve Lauren Cymbaly Planning and managing natural heritage
2008 Fall Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority Mark Funk Stewardship Specialist
2008 Fall Association for Canadian Educational Resources Meghan Gillespie Technical Advisory Team Intern
2009 Winter Association for Canadian Educational Resources Jason Weiler Technical Advisory Team Intern
2009 Summer rare Charitable Research Reserve Charlotte Moore Research Assistant
2009 Summer Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority Mark Funk Stewardship Intern
2009 Fall Association for Canadian Educational Resources Phillip Medeiros Technical Advisory Team Intern
2010 Winter Association for Canadian Educational Resources Kaley Fitzsimmon Technical Advisory Team Intern
2010 Summer EarthTramper Consulting Incorporated Mark Funk Ecological Inventory Technician
2010 Summer rare Charitable Research Reserve Charlotte Moore Research Assistant
2010 Summer Carolinian Canada Coalition Samantha Dupre Carolinian Canada Coastal Research Assistant
2010-2011 Summer/Fall/Winter The University of Waterloo Faculty of Environment Centre for Applied Science in Ontario Protected Areas (CASIOPA) Jennifer van Overbeeke Carolinian Canada Coastal Research Assistant
2011 Summer Essex Region Conservation Authority Erin Pettit Research Assistant
2011 Summer Carolinian Canada Coalition Laura Klein Carolinian Canada Coastal Research Assistant
2012 Winter Carolinian Canada Coalition Chen Shang Research Associate
2012 Summer rare Charitable Research Reserve Bailey Schneider Agricultural Research Intern

CSI Student Reports (pdf):

Year CCSI Employer CCSI Student Report
2007 rare Charitable Research Reserve Lauren Cymbaly

Invasive Alien Species Found in the Carolinian Zone

rare Charitable Research Reserve Summer 2007 Internship Summary

2008 Nature Conservancy of Canada Alex Hood

Pelee Alvar Management Guide

Nature Conservancy of Canada Winter 2008 Internship Summary

2008 rare Charitable Research Reserve Lauren Cymbaly

Invasive Exotic Plant Species Removal and Management Strategy

rare Charitable Reseaerch Reserve Winter 2008 Internship Summary

2008 Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority Mark Funk

Terrestrial Species at Risk on ABCA Lands1

ABCA Internship Summary

2008 Association for Canadian Educational Resources Meghan Gillespie Niagara Peninsula Project 2008 by Meghan Gillespie and Sadia Butt

1removed at request to help prevent illegal harvesting.

A Partnership Project with:

University of Waterloo


Western University