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Volunteer at the Expo!

Join our team at Carolinian Canada as we relaunch our annual Go Wild Grow Wild Green Expo!

When: Volunteer shifts range across May 3rd and 4th, 2024
Where: Western Fair District Agriplex (845 Florence St) in London, Ontario.

The Expo is a great opportunity for the community to explore the vibrant activities and ecological solutions making a difference in southern Ontario and celebrate the hope we have in the land around us. As a volunteer, you can join and support a network of local environmental groups and stewards and build connections with like-minded individuals.

Volunteer roles range from supporting set-up and clean-up and coordinating volunteers to providing assistance to guests, speakers, and exhibitors and stewarding safe spaces. 

There are 6 volunteer shift options throughout both days to accommodate availability. For more details on roles and shifts, please see the volunteer application form below.

If you would like to become a volunteer, please submit the following application: