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Best Practices For Healthy Habitats

If you live in the Carolinian zone you probably have many different kinds of wild neighbours.  The region south of a line from the City of Toronto in the east to Grand Bend in the west has the highest species diversity in Canada.  Many of the plants and animals native to this area need our help to continue to survive here.  Whether it’s on your property, when you go hiking or boating, or where you work, there are many ways to be a good steward of the land.

Carolinian Canada Coalition has developed publications that can give you some “Best Stewardship Practices” – tips and ideas for caring for our natural treasures.

Habitat Action Menus

This series of fact sheets provides an overview of the things that you can do in each type of habitat found in the Carolinian Zone. There is something for everyone – forests, lakes, prairies, marshes, streams, meadows and more!

Best Stewardship Practices for Species at Risk

Some of our wild neighbours are in trouble and have been listed by the federal or provincial government as “Species at Risk”. These species need extra help from everyone to continue to survive in southern Ontario.

Carolinian Canada's Restoration Guidelines