The Big Picture is a collaborative conservation strategy, created in 2000 with the support and input of our wide network of conservation partners. The Big Picture aims to establish a viable, functioning natural heritage system to support biodiversity and healthy human communities across the deep south of Ontario.
We have been implementing the Big Picture in collaboration with over 130 partner organizations through initiatives like our Conservation Action Plans for biodiversity hotspots, and our high-impact outreach and education initiatives under the "Grow Wild" umbrella.
Big Picture Principles focus on Critical Issues
Carolinian Canada launched a series of Big Picture Principles to provide a position and practical best practices for critical issues in the Zone. The first on invasive alien species garnered interest from a variety of sectors when released. It will be highlighted at the 2016 Ecosystem Recovery Forum. Two more are in progress focussed on climate change and natural infrastructure.
Big Picture Report Card Program Underway
The Big Picture Report Card asks "How far have we come in 15 years as a community working together for a healthy ecoregion?" At AGM 2015 we invited you to join us in developing a landscape-level Big Picture monitoring tool to inform and target our collective conservation effort.
It is often said "You cannot manage what you do not measure". We launched the “Big Picture Report Card” program as part of our strategic plan to monitor ecosystem health and recovery efforts across the Zone. In April 2015, we released a discussion paper, with support from TD Friends of the Environment. It provides a preliminary look at the data by county, showing that the Zone has half of the natural infrastructure needed for healthy landscapes. You can participate in this long range program by completing a simple Big Picture survey. Review our discussion paper. Contribute your perspective. Identify your goals and measures for healthy ecosystems. Showcase your biodiversity success. Share your stories to save, steward and seed the unique nature of Canada’s deep south.
Carolinian Canada is a member of the Ontario Biodiversity Council and we anticipate working closely with the OBC with the Report Card initiative.