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The vision for Canada’s Biggest Wildlife Garden connects Toronto to Windsor with...
The SOSS is heading to Washington!
We are excited to announce that the Southern Ontario Seed Strategy (SOSS) team from Carolinian...
Background on Native Plants with Native Plants in Claremont
In this video, Karen...
Indigenous Plant Names with Sarah Gorrie
In this video, Sarah...
Restoring Natural Systems with Native Plants in Claremont
Rob Messervey from...
Seed Orchards with Native Plants in Claremont
In this video, Rob...
Introducing the new Southern Ontario Seed Saver Tool
Restore the power of native seeds on the landscape through ethical seed saving! ...
Carolinian Canada is recruiting Directors for the Board!
Are you a healthy landscape leader? ...
Seedy Saturday - We'll be there!
Find us at this year's Seedy Saturday hosted by the London Middlesex Master Gardeners!
Seed Saver Training: Episode 6
As a part of the Southern Ontario Seed Strategy (SOSS), this 6-part video series features seed...
Seed Saver Training: Episode 5
As a part of the Southern Ontario Seed Strategy (SOSS), this 6-part video series features seed...