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First Nations Species At Risk Forum 2015

The Event is Over!

Join us on October 20th and learn about the amazing work First Nations communities are doing to care for species at risk and their habitats! The evening event, generously hosted by Chippewas of the Thames First Nation southwest of London, will include a traditional Anishinaabe welcome ceremony, a full dinner, talks by First Nation Species At Risk programs from across southern Ontario, a keynote presentation by the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Species At Risk Project team, and a traditional closing ceremony. First Nations from as far away as Manitoulin Island, the Bruce Peninsula and Walpole Island have been invited to showcase their projects with displays, presentations and handout materials. The event will be a unique sharing of traditional knowledge, modern science and practical on-the-ground conservation practices -- a wonderful learning experience for all, set in the heart of Ontario's Carolinian life zone.

Date & Time: Tuesday, October 20. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Hosted by: Chippewas of the Thames First Nation
Location: Chippewas of the Thames Community Centre, 320 Chippewa Road, Muncey, Ontario

Registration cost: FREE - includes dinner
Registration deadline: 4:00 pm, Friday, October 16
Registration will close at 50 people

Note: A full roast beef dinner (or equivalent, with mashed potatoes and vegetables, dessert, etc.) will be served. Unfortunately, as this is a free event, special dietary needs cannot be accommodated.

This Forum is made possible thanks to the support of Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, the participating First Nations, Environment Canada's Aboriginal Funds for Species At Risk and Habitat Stewardship Program for Species At Risk, and is presented by Carolinian Canada as part of our annual Ecosystem Recovery Forum series.