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My Erie Coast Adventure


Go Wild in Canada's Deep South.  

Explore the extraordinary.  

Connect with your wild nature on the Erie Coast EcoTrail. 

It's easy to find adventure close to home:

1. Pick an EcoTrail story.  Explore the coast through iconic sites connected by coastal stories.  

2. Mix in favourite activities from biking to paddling. Connect with amazing people, local groups and extraordinary places.  Share your story. 

3.  Go Wild. Take home a wild idea. Get inspired.  Count yourself in to keep Erie healthy.

Create a different adventure each time you visit.

Explore. Connect. Go Wild.


Scroll down to explore Erie Coast EcoTrail Stories

People and the Coast: Writing our Future
Coastal Processes:  The Shifting Coast
Birding Hotspots: Soaring along the Coast
Carolinian Rarities:   WOW! Watch out for Wildlife
Big Picture Connections: In the Zone
Grow Wild Demos:  Save. Steward. Seed.

Coastal Treasures: Community Landmarks


People and the Coast:  Writing Our Future

Connect with a vibrant history along the coast.  Meet the people who save the stories.  Explore how culture - from the First Peoples to multicultural diversity - is intimately connected with natural history and how it will define the future of this landscape where 25% of Canadians live. The significance of Lake Erie is evident when exploring the stories of the people who have called the shoreline home over 10,000 years. From war to wonder, hunting and fishing to agriculture and villages to cities, you can travel through many eras, historic events and coastal landmarks. Vast riches of freshwater, timber and fertile soil set the stage for intense human dramas and continue to shape our stories as we grapple with the implications of climate change on the future of our coastal communities.  


Coastal Processes:  The Shifting Coast

Pt. Pelee is disappearing and the coast is shifting beneath our feet.  Lake Erie watersheds were shaped by ancient glacial sheets and they continue to evolve. Experience wind, waves and water currents as they shape the Lake Erie shoreline. In places saved by coastal leaders, you can learn to read the stories of sandspits, bluffs and soil types – and how they are connected to our economy, landscape and livelihoods. Follow this story to find out how you are part of the coast.


Carolinian Rarities:  WOW! Watch out for Wildlife

The Carolinian Zone is our most biologically diverse region, with among the most wild plant and animal species in Canada. But many of these species are in trouble because of habitat loss and other impacts. Some have almost disappeared completely from Canada. Luckily, innovative actions by many habitat partners are offering hope to save our wild heritage.  Follow this story to explore critical Carolinian Canada habitat, visit demonstration projects for rare species and become a citizen scientist.  And if you are lucky, you might glimpse a treasured species!


Big Picture Connections:  In the Zone

The Big Picture is Carolinian Canada's vision for a green and thriving future.  It is also a cost-effective climate change survival tool for communities across the Zone. Large habitats connected by green corridors or greenways are essential to healthy landscapes and resilient communities from Toronto to Windsor. Growing the Big Picture will bring better air, water, soil, energy conservation, natural resources, wildlife, recreation and economic opportunities.  As the climate shifts, these ecosystem functions are becoming ever more critical.  Follow this story to see first-hand how healthy habitats create healthy communities. Find out how to be part of the Big Picture.  Link with a network of amazing groups and Landowner Leaders who are greening the future.


Birding Hotspots: Soaring along the Coast

The entire Lake Erie coast offers outstanding opportunities for experiencing bird migration and is host to world-class birding sites like Point Pelee, Rondeau and Long Point.  These birding hotspots provide opportunities to see a great diversity of species, and many also offer lookout facilities, interpretive programs, camping and more.


Grow Wild Demos: Save. Steward. Seed.

Count Yourself In!  Thousands of small steps for nature will add up to a green future.  Follow this story to see ecosystem recovery in action.  See who is doing what. Get inspired to discover your stepping stones to a green future. Take home a wild idea... from saving a species or habitat to stewarding the whole landscape to seeding native plants and green ideas.